30 Day Poetry Challenge :: Day 11, 12, & 13 :: Mountain Musings

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Hey all! I know...I missed the last two days of my 30 day poetry challenge. I was wandering around a mountain for the past two days without any computers or cell phones. It was pretty magical :-)

Day 11 Poetry Challenge :: Forgive yourself for not writing a poem this day ;-)

Even the birds know how connected we all are,
using air as their mode of transportation,
this is like believing in God.
Trusting something that they cannot see
to carry them through life
to new homes, old friends, a mate,
to carry their babies away and then back
to mama's beak.
It is as if air is their God,
and being in ecstatic dance with God their religion,
and every flight a prayer
to never forget that they, too, were created from the unseen,
and that their wings are true magic,
and that one day, they can take their last flight in bird body
joyously knowing that they will become the wind that carries their grandchildren home.

Day 12 Poetry Challenge :: Take a walk and find a place that offers you perspective of your physical surrounding (on a hill, up a tree, on your roof, ect). Sit there and write a poem.

“No matter what I do in life, I just want to remember that it is all a game and I am gifted with the ability to play.”

“But if life is a game, then what’s the point?”

“There is no point, that’s the beauty of it. We don’t play because we have to. We play because we get to. The minute we have to do something it’s no longer play, and our feeling of duty to engage can’t sustain itself.”

“Why do you think we forget that we are playing a game?”

“I think that’s one of the great games - to play so well that we forget that we were even playing a role to begin with. It’s like when a great actor embodies a role so well that they trick themselves into believing they are that role. Humanity is made up of billions of exceptional actors, so exceptional that we forget that we made this stage and that we can write our own roles. This is why I like to remember that it’s all a game, and that I can change how I play it and even change the game itself.”

Day 13 Poetry Challenge :: Think about the last challenging conversation you had with someone. Write a poem about that conversation, or a theme from that conversation.

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Thank you very much for sharing it among us

Poetry the window to the soul

thats an amazing view! anwen!

With love

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist