the struggle of a father

in poetry •  7 years ago 


langkahmu yang tersendat
menjadi saksi beratnya kehidupan
demi tumbuhnya buah hati tersayang
kau tidak peduli kakimu terluka

kau tidak peduli badanmu merana
yang kau peduli hanya anakmu
dapat tumbuh dan hidup layaknya orang biasa
demi hal itu kau rela menyelam dalam lumpur timah

4 jam tidak keluar dari sana
mengaduk lumpur
mempertaruhkan nyawa
ditelan buaya danau
disambar petir

hanya demi mengharap sang alam
memberi sebongkah timah
yang tak karuan harga pasarnya
demi kehidupan anaknya

your steps are stagnant
into the weight of life
for the growth of beloved baby
you do not care your feet hurt

you do not care about your body languishing
all you care about is your son
can grow and live like ordinary people
for that you are willing to dive in tin mud

4 hours did not get out of there
stirring mud
risking life
swallowed the lake crocodile
struck by lightning

just to hope for the nature
give a hunk of lead
the price of the market
for the sake of his son's life.

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Keep spirit.


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