in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


My words are words of a clairvoyant

They often stretch beyond the physical

Beyond the realm of mortals

My mind is deeper than the blue ocean

My thoughts stride farther in to the stars

Not every words I speak you can decipher

Even me, I often get lost in the midst of unfolding mysteries

If you've never asked why the sky is blue or why tears flow from her eyes, you might want to skip this

I am a soul that's out to seek answers

I am in search of where wisdom finds it abode

I am a seeker of where the wind goes to rest

Don't question my quest if you haven't seen what I have seen

Don't desire what I have if you can't bear what comes with it

The intensity of the light you carry determines the darkness you can battle

You can't offer what you've not handled

There's whole different world out there that's not known to everyone

You don't always see everything with your eyes opened

There are portals to another realm and it lies within us

There are keys to access dimensions

It lies within us, if we can discover it

This is not a patterned poem

It's comes to me in my quietness

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This is fantastic
Keys to access realms lies within us

Thank you amazing brother

These words carry great meditation. You cant really offer what you have not handled. Great talks i love em

Thank you sir