in poetry •  7 years ago 

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To one another's throat they lunge,
Adhominem attacks they splash,
Caution to the wind it flight,
Bitterness taking root, the divisiveness.

Solidarity to achieve the goals they fritter,
The onus they pass with gay,
The citizens to the non-palatables they are exposed,
Rudderless we become, titular the president remains.

On every issue of life they trivialise,
Even if it concerns the lives of its citizens,
Herdsmen on a rampage for blood they surge,
We are motionless, helpless and rudderless.

The virtues of democracy they will soon sing,
When they come calling for our votes,
Rhetoric with high flown languages will they exhaust,
Into their cocoon they retract after the election,
We are back ti status quo, ethos of democracy they dispense.

For how long would we veg out and persevere,
When our sanity we cannot preserve,
With the energy in us we can muster and conserve,
Voice out for virtues of democracy for those that can serve.

We have been quiet for long and for that, they observe our docility. We are treated as slaves while they live as demigods. They come cap in hand wooing foe votes, articulating virtues of democracy, little did they get there and they forgot all their promises. Let us rise and do the needful. It lies solely in our hands.

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I liked the word choices in this, and I especially liked how the theme of rudderlessness and absent leadership gave way to the empowerment of responsibility in the final lines. Nice work. Sorry to have missed it before payout, but I'm glad to have found it now.