Past my shoulder stars flew, and our hands held tight
The same light I trace on this lonely night
The sky once adored, drew conclusions too few
Disclosing a darkness neither of us knew
The seconds seeped through the cracks of our hands
A forgotten place we reserved for the end
Though the flames grew older
And the nights grew colder
I knew this warmth I would lose
But never [,] my friend
The amber beams we once watched
You said burned your skin alive
The woodsy trails we walked across
Now to you are fruitless and dry
Tears of the past proved soluble with yours
Which watered the soil we parch
A weep of the present is laughable—absurd
The façade that singed down your march
Today I hold a vigil for your tender heart
Inside the one that matched your kind
Until the morning when we depart
And deem this romance undefined