Remnant DNA: Whittier, CA

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Remnants of my DNA are everywhere.
Scattering across the city landing in
discrete places. I step out of my house
and loose strands of brown hair
are blown away by gentle breeze.

Those strands will be captured by a bird's beak,
to be tangled into its nest, or maybe it'll end up
at the feet of a stranger I have yet to meet.

My fallen eyelashes scatter off my face. They will
fall on the sidewalk only to be stepped on by people
who never stop to say hello. Never stop to smile.

My half bitten finger nails hide underneath the Montebello 50
bus seats. My saliva coats the green straw of a half empty
C-blast plastic cup from the Fenix 5-4.

Oh, what of my finger prints? You can find them scattered
all over Half Off Books. They lurk on every book shelf.
Check the new age, the local author, and natural healing
sections. I'm there. I'll be there on the pages of every book
I ever peaked at. The books that don't get bought until
I come back to get them.

I'm everywhere! I'm everwhere!

I'm even in trash cans where my nose blown tissues wait
to be burned or buried. You'd be surprised at how many.
I cried so much for you.

When you promised you'd look for me no matter what
did you mean it? Are you looking for me? Don't you
see me? I'm everywhere. You don't even have to look
that hard for me. Remnants of my DNA are everywhere.

I'm just a crime scene scattered all over Whittier.
My existence marks all the places you broke
my heart in. I only hope that you never forget me.


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