Surgeon Journal 2

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


manic chemistry categorizing the stomach contents of an avian host
vesecious anemic hypoglycemic bullemic untreated acrobatic dentistry
baldknobbers horned mask stomach skinning lobster cracking
the gloved womans volitile magnet fluid
harmful scraped wing stalking the rotgut distillery
calligraphy mocking cattleprod to cranial artillery mural mirage
evening cape nefarious rabbit mask group home
key on a necklace rocking chair in flight
innocent pope bassilisk bassilica castle built within a cave
cathedral guardian intestine jumprope
scarlet teared angel airloom gang depraved scraped cornea
mechanized flytrap eyelash trepadatious vein braid euphoria
painstaking grey train historian
blood bird romantic morphine prim and proper
captured cloud formation in a jar thin and bothered
pussy riot prison hole 9 headed cobra
virulent gargoylic lobotimization
vaulted ceilings scapolomene powder
orangutan stalking the roofs of france
ikebana collage oblique orifice
apocathery remedy tendency for tetinus assembly
hillbilly gunshy howlin wolf eugenic reverie
malware linguistic still filming sun dried
plagued by the grated saw toothed american mammal
heretic rattle heroin satchel peeled wilting tongue tied
blank phoropter fua gra liver damage
splintered bannisters filet the arms of a duchess
bludgeoned by the truncheon thrill killing love life
encumbent pundit buzzard orgy bored me
a pirates surgeons mended dressing wind draft nick nacks
profane oral copulation bubbling frothing foaming frowning

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

apocathery remedy tendancy for tetinus assembly.
It should be tendency instead of tendancy.