Poem: And They Asked Me / Et ils me demandèrent (English - français) (with photo)

in poetry •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians,

Let me start by thanking you very much for all the upvotes and lovely comments you have left under my posts. Unfortunately, I cannot answer because my resource credits are depleted as soon as I post something. Earlier today, I wasn't even able to resteem a post! So now you know why I do not engage on this platform anymore...

With that said, feel free to say hi on Twitter. You can also send me a message via my website. I would love to get to know you.

Based on the feedback I have received here, as well as on WEKU and Whaleshares, it seems that you enjoy reading bilingual poetry. So, I will share some more with you. :-)

This piece is a tribute to Kahlil Gibran, the author of The Prophet and my favorite artist in the world. He is the reason why I am an artist...


As I was walking to the river of silence,
I felt a questioning presence behind me.
Turning around, I caught sight of children.
And the children, they asked me:
“Tell us why you look so merry?
Why, when you smile, does life smile too?”
I heard the wind sing to the secluded willows;
I saw the moon blow a kiss to the morning sun;
And the children, I answered them:
“What is happiness, if not man’s forgotten sister?
What is a smile, if not God’s ray on my face?
My friends, let simplicity guide you.
Pick up a stone on the ground and keep it.
Caress the grass and feel its potency.
Grab my hands and never let go.
This is my answer to you. God speed!”

As I was looking at the stormy sky,
I felt a friendly little tap on my shoulder.
It was my cousin, the happy scientist.
But on that day, he had lost hope.
As I was gazing into his eyes, he asked me:
“Tell me why nations wage wars constantly?
Why, when you speak, do people listen?”
I looked at him tenderly, aware of his qualms,
And the scientist, I answered him:
“What is peace, if not man’s choice in life?
Aren’t Heaven and Hell of our own making?
Love yourself first, because affection for others
Is a matter of self-knowledge and faith.
Mark my words, friend! Only when you pour out
Your heart to them, will they start paying attention!
This is my answer to you. Godspeed!”

Journeying back to my beloved mountain,
Memories rushed into my ageless mind.
I remembered the doubts, the aching;
I relived the passions, the new beginnings.
The summit was still a little too far,
And night was falling in front of my eyes.
Soon, the stars would reveal another truth.
The air became crisp and clear; my heart rejoiced!
And to all the questions in the world, I answered:
“Now is the time for self-discovery and life.
Let us forget about death and misery.
There is no end, only a peaceful creation.
I will dance in the rain, sleep with the storm.
My children will speak of divine delight.
I shall be the power of their own confidence!
This is my answer to you. Godspeed!”

©2006 Cendrine Marrouat


Alors que je me dirigeais vers la rivière du silence,
Je sentis une présence singulière derrière moi.
En me retournant, j’aperçus des enfants.
Après quelques instants, ils me demandèrent :
« Dis-nous pourquoi tu as l’air si heureux ?
Pourquoi, quand tu souris, la vie sourit-elle avec toi ? »
J’entendis le vent chanter dans les branches des saules ;
Je vis la lune embrasser le soleil du matin ;
Et aux enfants, je répondis :
« La joie, n’est-ce pas la sœur oubliée de l’homme ?
Un sourire, n’est-ce pas un rayon divin sur mon visage ?
Mes amis, laissez la simplicité vous guider.
Ramassez un caillou et conservez-le.
Caressez l’herbe et sentez sa force.
Prenez ma main et ne la lâchez jamais.
Voilà ma réponse. Que Dieu vous garde ! »

Alors que je regardais le ciel orageux,
On tapa gentiment sur mon épaule.
C’était mon cousin, l’heureux scientifique.
Mais, ce jour-là, il avait perdu espoir.
Alors que je l’observais, il me demanda :
« Dis-moi pourquoi les nations se font la guerre ?
Pourquoi, quand tu parles, les gens écoutent-ils ? »
J’eus pour lui et ses doutes un instant de tendresse
Et au scientifique, je répondis :
« La paix, n’est-ce pas un choix humain ?
Paradis et Enfer ne sont-ils pas notre création ?
Il faut d’abord s’aimer, parce qu’aimer autrui
Dépend de connaissance intérieure et de foi.
Ecoute bien mes paroles, mon ami ! Ouvre
Ton cœur aux autres et ils seront attentifs !
Voilà ma réponse. Que Dieu te garde ! »

Alors que je m’en retournais vers ma chère montagne,
Les souvenirs se ruèrent dans mon esprit sans âge.
Je me souvins des doutes, des peines ;
Je revécus les passions et les nouveaux départs.
Le sommet était encore un peu loin
Et la nuit tombait devant moi.
Bientôt, le ciel révèlerait une autre vérité.
L’air se rafraîchit et mon cœur se réjouit.
Et à toutes les questions du monde, je répondis :
« Il est maintenant temps de vivre, de découvrir.
Oublions donc la mort et la tristesse.
Il n’y a pas de fin, seulement une paisible création.
Je veux danser sous la pluie et dormir avec la tempête.
Mes enfants parleront de joie divine.
À travers moi, ils deviendront croyance !
Voilà ma réponse. Que Dieu vous garde ! »

©2008 Cendrine Marrouat

Assiniboine Forest 46 scaled.jpg

CategoryNature photography
SettingsISO 100, f/16, 1/250s
CameraNikon D750
LensNikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 @ 135mm
LocationWinnipeg, Canada

Do you know that I have released five collections of poetry? Five Years and Counting. A Journey into the Mind of Soul Poetry is my latest one. For more information on the book, click the image below:

Book Cover front.jpg

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See my photography, books and limited-edition prints for sale by clicking the image below:

Cendrine Marrouat Large scaled.jpg

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Just love the poem! Found this blog through @pifc keep blogging

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