Tragic Exorcism - (original chaos poetry style... no clue how it will end up)

in poetry •  8 years ago  (edited)

Tragic exorcism
engorging my spine
Stroke of wild genius
A flash of the divine

Craters of mercury
where my mind you can find
A dribble of certainty
A loss of my time

I strayed through the mountain pass
The pass waded past my knees
I acted as an overpass
And I moved amongst the weeds

Trees taste of satin fire
The cream of the stars
Breathing aspirant desires
Juggle and dance apart

Tracing the past where I once stood
A preacher removed his hood

A tragic romantic frantic
The thing on my shoulder stood
Aware of the awareness behind my eyes
I felt my spittle dribble down my thighs

Ode to a peaceful life
Where my soul once loomed
Now but a husk demon groomed

Then did the preacher prance
He warbled in his screeching blurps
And I heard the demon laugh
I felt his dark shadow dance
I felt red eyed demon glance
To drag the preachers chance

Went the leafy veil
Gone was the sun
Preacher tossed down the well
Pure demon fun

So went my exorcism
So went my mind
Witness soul schism
Demon Unkind

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nice one

Thank you
you Thank