I wish you could have my eyes
for a day, so that you would know
how beautiful you are to me, inside
out. That you should not be overly
conscious of how you look because
in my life you are the most beautiful
person, from sun up to sun down.
I wish you could have my lips
for a day, so that you would know
how frequently I say your name
and speak everything of you. That
your existence tastes like poetry
which dances upon my tongue
on a boundless, breathing basis.
I wish you could have my brain
for a day, so that you would know
how tirelessly I think of you
every passing minute of the day,
that you don’t even give a damn to.
I wish you could realize that you
have the largest room in it.
I wish you could know that
I am constantly torn between
“If it’s meant to be, it will be” and
“If you want it, work hard to get it.”
O, how I wish you could know
how f-cking hard it is
to be split in two…
Onto one person—
Onto you.
credits to the owner for the image