Miami beach, Florida

in poetry •  6 years ago 






The wind rattled slowly
There was a cold kiss on the cheek
There is cold touching the heart
Silence without words parses the script

There was a silent heart telling
Speak in a quiet night
Shed the mud deposits of the soul
Clean the wound without burning

Because there is a soft touch
Throw away the sooty fog of the heart
Without having to incise black marks
I lay the sky canvas

Until it borders the horizon
In order to get you out
All sketches of you
In order to pour you out
all perspective forms of taste

So you can pour your image
Coloring all colors
Talk about millions of stories
What has been hidden in the volcano of your heart

Do not let the heat
Bubbling together magma
I listen faithfully
All stories about your life

Because I promise
to fulfill the heart's promise
to treat the wounded of your heart
Because the inscription of love tlah betrayed

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