"Good God, Why Me?" - A Sonnet by Duncan Cary Palmer

in poetry •  7 years ago 

"Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some."
- Charles Dickens -

Good day! Do you like sonnets?

I've written my second sonnet, once again Original to Steemit, in response to @hopehuggs poetry contest:

"Runaway Rhymes #7 Poetry Contest"

At that link (CLICK above), you can read the rules of the contest in case you might like to enter also.

And, should you care to read my first sonnet, you may do so here:

"Old Hands" - A Sonnet by Duncan Cary Palmer

Table of Contents

Loved by the Creator
Image courtesy of Aidan Meyer and http://unsplash.com

Good God, Why Me?
by Duncan Cary Palmer

You could have chosen someone far more fit
To champion your honor in debate.
A brilliant scholar, schooled in word and wit,
Whose logic captive minds might liberate.

Perhaps you should have picked an artisan,
Aesthetic sensibilities replete.
His stunning output minds and hearts would win,
His artifacts, a testimony sweet.

Good God, Why me? Why choose this reprobate?
Why bother with a man so deeply flawed?
I feel so weak, so unable of late
My fellow man to turn toward thoughts of God.

But, as you've chosen me, I'll sing your praise
Throughout the universe for endless days.

Please visit my Library Poetry Shelf for more poems.

(CLICK the shelf below.)
Table of Contents


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's very lovely poem. You have a lot of talents in your writing. I hope you don't mind but I dedicated my most recent Steemit Diner post to you. You are so nice and such a good Steemit neighbor that I wanted to show my appreciation and linked some of your most recent posts I enjoyed. I hope you enjoy https://steemit.com/fiction/@marxrab/visiting-the-water-park-with-creatr-and-getting-in-a-little-trouble


Beautiful sonnet @creatr. It's so humbling to be a part of His kingdom and loved by Him because of the sacrifice He made. All we can do is strive to be closer to Him knowing that he is our sustenance, because it is not by our works that we are saved. You captured this so beautifully!

Julie, thank you very much for your thoughtful and encouraging comments. You've brightened my day. ;)

Perhaps your praise is particularly pleasant to my ears, coming from a fellow engineer. May I ask what segment of engineering has captured your interest enough to make it a career? :D

Ahh a fellow engineer in my midst! My background is in biomedical engineering. I spent a good deal of time working with nerve regeneration on engineered polymer surfaces. What about you??? So glad to have brightened your day a little today!

The way God wired my brain, I'm actually an inventor, but (as only a few inventors are smashing financial successes) I've had to make a living as an engineer. I worked my way into the field as an industrial and then an electronic technician, then as a software geek specializing in real-time systems. Over the years I've gradually added hardware and PCB circuit design, mechanical / CAD / packaging, and other skills to the set.

I have actually "succeeded" in the invention field, but principally with works for hire that name me on issued patents - patents that are owned by the companies I did the work for. ;)

So, this nerve regeneration; Did you engineer the polymers? Design the setup? Do you work with neural networks? Are you developing a 21st century Frankenstein's creature to replace us humanzzz... ??? :D

I've always wanted to learn more about neural networks, but have been to busy with other survival issues... ;)

Yeah the polymers were mostly silicone or other biocompatible polymers that I made little micropatterns on the surface in the shapes of cells (nanoscale resolution) and one of the ideas was to have the cells follow patterns on the surface, and the surfaces were coated with different trophic factors (proteins to attract or repel the growth) so the whole idea was to get the nerves to go along a path that we designed (encourage them along to the right endpoint.)

Being an inventor sure sounds fun and really challenging! I feel like I have ideas all the time but nothing groundbreaking, just ways to make things or build things that work for my life. :)

That sounds really cool... Thanks so much for giving me a little more insight into what you do, it sounds fascinating.

I wish I could visit your lab and see the equipment and materials and tools you work with.

The idea of engineering things at nano scale is incredibly appealing to me. Have you ever read any of Eric Drexler's work, or heard of the Foresight Institute?

Being an inventor is a ton of fun, and I imagine it would be even more so had I greater time and resources to develop my inventions. I have a laundry list of "latent projects" as long as my arm that have been frustratingly "on the back burner" due to survival issues. But it makes me long for Glory all the more... ;)

A nice flowing sonnet! :) Much like in the Greek tragedies and Shakespearian comedies, the reason might actually be coming from within. Were you chosen, or did you chose yourself. Regardless of the question of the existence of God, I think you can safely take credit for who you are and how you want to affect the world for the better from your perspective.

Thanks, Dave. I appreciate your kind comments.

Well, this is a beautiful sonnet which shows humbleness and true love and submission. It makes me think of the image of Christ as the lamb, the mild and meek Jesus.
This sonnet is a heartfelt piece. Beautiful, @creatr

Thank you for your encouraging comments. :D

Enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing :)

You're welcome, and Thanks for visiting!

I think He has definitely chosen the right man for the job @creatr and you do Him a great service by being everything and all that you are.

An excellent sonnet my friend!

Hi Tony,

Thank you for your visit and very kind comment. This sonnet is actually my reflection on a particular scripture:

"For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”"
- 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Take care, friend! :D

I am by no means a wise man but in my time I have often wished to be more ignorant and innocent. I personally think the world is being made to seem more complicated than it is and I feel that the closer we can get to our innocence, the closer we will be to the answers that wise men seek.

I hope that makes sense. :)

Thank you @creatr!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Very well done, now all caught up again
Phew lol :)

Thanks, Karen...

Have you enough for a new tub yet? :D

Hiya :)
I am getting there, going to get some prices at the weekend :)

In the daily struggles of life the blessings are somewhat overlooked, especially when the misfortunes come knocking. Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you friend @bitfairy, for your very thoughtful and encouraging response to my poem. :D

You are much welcome and thank you too for sharing <3

Great poem.


I appreciate the honesty of your writing. I will resteem. It deserves to be out there and heard. I asked a similar question today in a steemit prayer I wrote. Funny we are on the same wave. Again my friend thank you for your honest words. - Troy

Thanks, Troy! :D

I like this sonnet, @creatr ! Thanks for share ^_^

Thank you for your encouragement. ;)

But, as you've chosen me, I'll sing your praise
Throughout the universe for endless days.

Thanks. :D

Thanks for always upvoting me creatr.