Weekly Update For 100 Days of Poetry Challenge (Week 11 Begins)

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

100 Days of Poetry Challenge
-----Weekly Update [Day 71]-----

New Assignments - Week 11 Begins.
Leave your comments from last week's assignment below.

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Hey everyone! We've made it to Day 71 on the 100 Day Poetic Path. Less than a month remains! Week 11 (out of 14) officially began at 6 PM GMT on May 16th. As was requested, I made a basic spreadsheet showing the calendar dates for each day of the challenge, as well as when weeks begin. Note that the final "week" has two extra days in it since 100 does not go into 7 evenly.


Comments and Weekly Finds

Please comment the results of your Week 10 Assignment on this post. It should contain these things:

  1. The names of the two poets to whom you were assigned to leave impressions.
  2. Links to the poems you chose to leave them feedback on.
  3. A link to your "Weekly Find," which is one poem by anyone in the challenge in the past week you found notable.

Thank you to all who did their first and second assignments. I know it's extra work, but I hope you've enjoyed getting more in-depth feedback than you might otherwise. Remember that you can be creative in how you lay out your comment report!

Remember also if you'd like to get a poem of yours critiqued live during our Critique Thursday session you should DM Guy (Thunder_God#4441) on Discord the links to feedback you left in the past week and a poem of yours you want detailed feedback on by the Wednesday before. (It must be 250 words or less due to time constraints.) Even if you can't attend class you can get a piece reviewed because there will be an audio recording of the class for you to listen to at your leisure.

Not enough people sent their comments to @geekorner this week, so the Critique Class for tomorrow is canceled. Please respect the time and energy he has pledged to this project by sending them by Wednesday, May 23rd at 12 PM UTC for next week's class. Even better - why not send them now, ahead of time?


Assignments for Week 11

The next assignments are listed below. Note for those that use a smartphone to access Steemit: you may only be able to see one column in the table. Please log in using a computer to view both of your assignments, or comment below asking if you absolutely cannot. Every week I use a different method to pair people up. As a result, there some overlap from previous assignments, so if you have the same person as you have had in the past, it is indeed intentional.

Overall, I've been pleased with the results of this experiment. Have you? Feel free to share your testimony in your comment. A few of you did not link me your comments for the first assignment, and I will comment asking about it below. Remember that you can completely express your own style when giving feedback, the comments need not be rigidly analytical. Poetic prose is a nice way to pay tribute to a poem that resonated with you.

Week 11 Assignments

Poet name IAssignment IAssignment II

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Class Schedule Reminder

The days for poetry class are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Mondays we look at various published poets from different time periods, from classic to modern to contemporary. On Wednesdays we have flexible sessions where we can share our poetry or hold discussions on various topics related to the arts. Thursdays remain our Critique Sessions led by @geekorner, however, tomorrow's session will be canceled due to lack of entries sent by the deadline.

The time for all of the classes is the same as before: 5-7 PM UTC in the Steem Schools Live Class section of the Discord. Please join when you can, and let anyone interested know they are welcome to participate!



Please comment the results of your Week 10 Assignments and Weekly Find on this post, even if you already left the comment somewhere else. Read the directions at the top about all the info you need to include. Please note your new assignments for Week 11 which you will have one week to complete. (You will leave the results of that assignment on next week's update on Day 78.)

Send links to your feedback to Guy (Thunder_God#4441) on Discord if you would like your poem (250 words or less) critiqued in our live sessions. Tomorrow's class session is canceled due to not enough critique entries by this week's deadline. The next critique session will be on May 24th and the deadline to submit your comments/poem is May 23rd at 12 PM UTC. Our next poetry class proper will be on Monday, May 21st. Have a wonderful week ahead!

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I recognize & honor
the same divinity in all of you
that is within me, and all things.


Huge thanks to all of our donors!

  1. @d-pend (600 SBD and 300 STEEM)
  2. @violetmed (80 SBD)
  3. @hopehuggs (50 SBD)
  4. @girlbeforemirror (20 SBD)
  5. @yahialababidi (15.017 STEEM)
  6. @carmalain7 (11.11 SBD)
  7. @madushanka (10 SBD)
  8. @taliakerch (10 SBD)
  9. @firststeps (8 STEEM)
  10. @mineopoly (1 STEEM & 6 SBD)
  11. @moeknows (5.44 SBD)
  12. @nikolina (5 SBD)
  13. @hazem91 (5 SBD)
  14. @whack.science (5 SBD)
  15. @rensoul17 (5 SBD)
  16. @josediccus (5 STEEM)
  17. @naquoya (3 SBD)
  18. @corderosiete (3 SBD)
  19. @nicholas83 (2 SBD)
  20. @acousticsteveo (2 SBD)
  21. @trucklife.family (2 SBD)
  22. @hartfloe (1.337 SBD)
  23. @johnrenald (1 SBD)
  24. @flysky (1 SBD)
  25. @zeleiracordero (1 SBD)
  26. @zulacut (0.6 SBD)
  27. @realnairda (0.5 SBD)
  28. @akdx (0.25 SBD)
  29. @emekasegun (0.2 SBD)
  30. @setiagunawan (0.1 SBD)
  31. @nasrol (0.1 SBD)
  32. @rexdickson (0.1 SBD)

To donate, send STEEM or SBD to @d-pend or @steemitpoetry. Donations go towards the prize pool of this challenge, and any above that will be powered up to @steemitpoetry, an account to support the creation of poetry on the STEEM blockchain. Thank you very much to all who have contributed thus far!

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Writing & images
By @d-pend

Join the Steem Schools
Discord here: https://discord.gg/hyfYQ9P
We have free poetry classes
on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday
from 5-7 PM UTC, open to all!

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The poets I have not yet received word from on the first assignment are @figuringoutsrn, @nicholas83, @riahdex, @stephenparato, @theverve, and @zulacut.

Please respond to this comment letting me know if you did the first assignment (and link the comments as well as your weekly find) or if you'd like to opt out of this part of the challenge. Thank you!

yes i did the first assignment, sorry for replying late.

here is it

i was to comment on a poem by @sansoncarrasco and @prydefoltz

weekly poem is here by @sansoncarrasco titled A KIND ACT OF RANDOMNESS

will make adjustment

Regards appreciated @d-pend and fellow poets. I report my pending assignment, which I approached with great enthusiasm. I had to comment on a poem by the excellent and much appreciated poets: @nicholas83 and @marlyncabrera.
From Nicholas, I chose: Memories - Day 69 https://steemit.com/steemitschoolpoetry/@nicholas83/steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge-69-memories.
From Marlyn, I chose: / yes-no-questions - Day 61. https://steemit.com/poetry/@marlyncabrera/yes-no-questions-free-verse-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge-day-61-poem-55

Three poems struck me during the week, for different reasons, coincidentally from the poets that I had to comment on and from @mineopoly.
FromNicholas: My Incheon Landing -Day # 67. I was struck by the life that emerges from it. There is a spilled soul collecting scattered pieces of a life recorded with hard stumbles, imaginable by the skillful pen of the poet.

From Marlyn: Free - Day 64. It filled my senses with beauty and grace. The aesthetic and delicacy embodied in the poem is exceptional.


From Christopher @mineopoly :Old School-Day 70. Me emocionó por el enlace entre vida real como Profesor de escuela, hogar y poesía. https://steemit.com/writing/@mineopoly/old-school

Muchas gracias, mi hermana
@zeleiracordero. Solo puedo escribir sobre lo que sé o hago. Me alegro de que te conmueva esto, pero esta es mi cruz de vida. A veces pienso que la cruz de escribir sobre mi cruz es una cruz inútil. No voy a renunciar.

Your link for Marlyn's day 61 poem has an extra space there that breaks it up :)

Thanks for the warning, poet. I already edit to correct the error of the link.

Thank you, dear, @zeleiracordero ♥ I appreciate your having chosen "Free"; I did put my love in its making.

Thank you @d-pend. This week has been a whirlwind for me. I'm exhausted from a flood and volleyball tournament. I didn't have the time to actually sit down at a computer for more than 20 minutes until now.

I did read find some happening in our crew.

First, I commented on Skodie's post about nature vs. nurture. Skodie has an interesting rhyming pattern and tryie to dig into philosophical questions in his poetry. I could not but think of the Kodiak Bear when I read his post.


I also commented on @sayee's post "a simple person"
Sayee writes about education and is now taking care of a relative with dementia.


One poem I enjoyed reading this week was:


I liked this line:

Your eyes relax as the night progresses.

Nobody else was willing to pay the incentive payola so I could only promote one.

Thank you very much for so much love reading my writings, kind poet.

Hi everyone!

My two assigned poets were @riahdex and @hartfloe

I left extended comments on this poems:

My weekly find is "A Thousand Will" by @hazem91.

I left an extended comment on this poem too, explaining why I consider it my weekly find and also giving a hopefully helpful guidance regarding English as a second language.

Poetry Report- Week #2

My two people were @acousticsteveo & @mamadini

I chose The Fool’s Journey (Cont’) from @acousticsteveo’s blog & Upon going under from @mamadini ’s blog

My find of the week was Fiery Word Might by @ajremy

The first stanza is exquisite the rest is, ok but not of the same quality. I am hoping he decides to split the two into two pieces.

for @firststep

for my first assignment I chose poem day 63 of firstep, which I left my feedback here is the link


For @ehisora I chose poetry day 65 which I left a feedback


my Pick of the week is day 66 of @Nicholas88


Oh! Thanks, for the deference.

Yeah day 71, well done everyone and thanks so much @d-pend for all the work you put in to keep this challenge going, I have really been enjoying the opportunity to write everyday, before I would have just have been too busy with my kids but now I priortise my time better, so thank you.
This week I was assigned @theverve and @mineopoly, both who are really great poets and quiet unique in their style of writing.
I chose Twinkle twinkle little star by @theverve, such a beautiful poem about trying to find ones way.
And I chose Shut Down by @mineopoly, something we should all take the time to do, thank you @mineopoly for this reminder.

My weekly find is the poem I critiqued by @theverve
and also @skodie nature nurture, such a strong poem very much seeing us within our rightful place in nature.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the timely update posts.
I was assigned @blessedben and @figuringoutsrn

My comments


Weekly find is "Fine Maiden" SSPC

A beautiful poem that details how the admirer appreciates the beauty of a lady. Words are written in such a way that the reader too is appreciative of the poet's aesthetic sense

I was assigned to @firststeps and @stephenparato for last week.

I commented on Congested by First Steps.

I also commented on a few of @stephenparato's posts and one of them is https://steemit.com/spirituality/@stephenparato/100-days-of-poetry-day-64

I found @hartfloe's poems to be very interesting. So I choose
Remember by @hartfloe as my weekly find

Hi @d-pend ....It's been an awesome Journey and I can't but say a big appreciation to you for the wonderful work so far.

My assigned Poets for week 10 were @adebayopaul and @dmilliz

I gave feedback on Battling my Demons and Losing The Battle by @adebayopaul
I also gave feedback on HyperSexual Nation and 313 by @dmilliz

My weekly find is The Emptiness of Life by @sammynathaniels - a very awesome poem.


I left an extended comment on the two assigned poets.
First one was a meaningful poem written by @hazem91 and I my eyes it's a must read - Tomorrow will be worse

Second one was a poem by @ehisoria called Faith
It's about the inner battle we have. The look on the world that is changing all the time.

Third poem that made my heart warm was a poem by @ehisoria to all the mothers out there. A LETTER TO MY MOTHER

That's it for this week from @spellmaker

Keep on writing girls and guys, we're shining our light on the world and the skies!

Hi y'all great poets of steemit. My warm regards.
The two poets assigned to me are indeed very good poets. They were @josediccus and @figuringoutsrn.
I left feedbacks on @josediccus' The words, spoken and this entry by @figuringoutsrn.

My find of the week is @zaleiracordero's Remove your mask of fear.

Very grateful for the mention, appreciated poet.


Hi All.

My last week assigned poets were @sammynathaniels and @ty2nicerva.

My critique on this poems:

I Have A Name by @sammynathaniels.
The First Time by @ty2nicerva.

My weekly find is Perfect melody by @

Thank you

Oh my God! Thank you very much, poet!

De nada, @zeleiracordero amiga

My poets for the week were @mamadini and @sansoncarrasco. You can find my comments on the links below.

I am thy round


My pick for the week was Sazzy Sazzy, where are you? by @rexdickson. This poem is brilliant. 😎

I'm very grateful for your comments on this journey. It has always helped me to see your comments on my poems and posts.

Thank you very much @acousticsteveo

My assigned poets for this last week were @trucklifefamily and @stephenparato. Here are my comments on their work respectively.

I Am

Income Outcome

My pick for the week is a poem by @hazem91 entitled I Carry On. I particularly love the imagery in the last stanza.

When it looks and it sounds
very weird to stick around.
I seem to spin like candle flies
Around the fire until I die.

hehe funny @tygertyger wanted me to remove that stanza :D :p
Thank you @firststeps

I mentioned this in one of the critique classes. It's useful in how it reminds you what is easy to forget at times - all suggestions are just that, and at the end of the day it's your call to make, as the poet :)

Just goes to show you how subjective poetry is.


I commented on @rexdickson's My empty letter to you and @ayahkasih's Tinder.

My weekly find is @rexdickson's Sazzy Sazzy where are you

Good luck with the last month everyone :)

Wow. Glad you stopped by my blog.
Thank you lots @hazem91

Good luck to you too, in this last phase.

It's really good to be up and about with the contest I'm really sorry for My late comment

I was assigned to poet @ayakasih and I left a feedback comment on
My sassy gloomy lovely poetess I really loved her piece.
And on @sammynathhaniels poem I really liked how he structured his poem lost, broken and my weekly find was Still @ayahkasih My sassy gloomy lovely poetess I really loved her piece.

In the future, if possible, please link to the poems, to make it easier to find the comments, or for other people to be able to read them.

For those wondering, here is @@@sammynathaniels's Lost, Broken.

Here is @ayahkasih's My Sassy Gloomy Lovely Poetess.

Thank you very much, @ehisoria

Hi guys, I was assigned to @spellmaker and @hazeem91. I left a not so good comment on spellmaker's post due to some reasons, but I couldn't get to hazeem's post.
Gosh, so many excuses.

Speak natural. By @spellmaker

assignment done

i was to comment on @hartfloe and @zeleiracordero work for the week

for @hartfloe 1 and 2

for @zeleiracordero 1 and 2

weekly poem here titled keep it flowing, you are growing by @hartfloe

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Last week I critiqued
Ethereal Link by @spellmaker


Broken by @adebayopaul

Notable poem of the week
Today I shall not be quite by @trucklife-family as I could easily relate to it.

thank you @dmilliz x


Thanks. I see your wisdom in matching up poets. I will probably edit this comment later and let you know how my week was.


Thank @d-pend for Weekly Update For 100 Days of Poetry Challenge.

You got a 13.40% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @d-pend!

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You got a 6.88% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @d-pend!

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I always love to read your poetry man

hey i just upvoted you on steem engine

Muy buen trabajo, parece de otro espacio...

Because people like you are at steem, Steemit has been ahead of many times today.

Heyo my fellow poetic sexy people! :D

My assignments were @tygertyger and @ayahkasih.

I commented on:

Even though I said I this will not be my routine, I will post again the same poem that I commented on... I didn't know that @tygertyger was my assignment until now, but I already decided to share this poem because we wrote similar poems on the same day, so that's amazing to me.. I don't need to tell you that mine is better ahahahaa :P :P Just kidding!
