In The Embrace of Consciousness

in poetry •  7 years ago 
  • We achieve top results on the mountain of knowledge, we change the spiritual freedom for false diamonds. The power of the mind transmits wise information to emotional consciousness, we have developed material civilization to the ends of the stars.

  • I feel the passion of creation in the instincts of eternal cycles, we chase the beast of interest with the smile of instant lust. The laws of the universe follow the principles of perfect rules, we become disciplined raw material for incredibly moving stories.

  • We walk by the sea of information that gives us the illusion of power, mystic stories become memories of wise counsellors. Clouds cover the hidden beauty of your character, show the virtues of honour in the sunlight. Your eyes show new horizons of success, you are the magical princess of love.

  • Cold winter melts ice with your lips, touching imagination create a sense of enthusiasm in the soul of a warrior. We break into different entities of creative imagination, conquer invisible dimensions of friendship with the universe. You are the happiness of my heart, you are the reality of my desire.

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"Cuando nuestra mente es poderosa todo nuestro cuerpo se mantiene saludable". Es un dicho muy conocido entre nosotros. Creo que es la esencia de este bello poema.

Hola Amiga

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That was nice...and your writing is powerfully able to represent your thoughts ...I'm always intrigued about consciousness and the meanings of universe and life too...

I have to suggest you to follow a person and his very interesting pages...
follow JasonSilva in youtube, instagram and wherever you find him...and his youtube channel, ShotsofAwe...
he talks about these matters incredibly interesting..

Thank you

Hare Krishna dear sir, self consciousness is very important for everyone while we rave dealing with our soul because my mentor teaches everyone that spirituality is the most important than anything, and if you want to achieve the peace in your soul the spirituality and self consciousness are the way to achieve the goal.
Lovey expression of thoughts dear sir.
Sir I have a query to you is the Selfie challenge is still on and where I can found the rules?


Kind welcome dear sir 👍

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We achieve top results on the mountain of knowledge, we change the spiritual freedom for false diamonds. The power of the mind transmits wise information to emotional consciousness, we have developed material civilization to the ends of the stars.

Indeed adequate knowledge of a subject produces the required result. No one can produce results without the adequate knowledge and technology has helped this.

Perfect selection of words

Then I love the pictures used, it perfectly brings home the point.

Thank you for nice words

Thank you for nice words

Wow! I spent a few days without being able to connect in the network and the only thing I thought was reading your poems, it is a very nice habit

I am glad you like it