Through The Fire of Emotion

in poetry •  7 years ago 
  • I love you with the deepest desires of the mystical universe, my traces show the intentions of a sincere adventure with the gentleman's manners. We create conditions with the most beautiful emotions that swim in the light of sincerity, I became magnificent in search of the hidden secrets of your being.

  • The desire went to sleep in the twilight of night goals, a successful story has a finale in the Olympic Games of Love. I found the pearls of the sea on the shores of memory, we concealed the most beautiful years in the passions and ignorance I miss now.

  • Show me the happy face of the future, being an ideal that raises hope and spirit to the highest level of life joy. I lost the past and the time of search for diamonds, you are above the reality that extends in the infinite beauty of the cosmic empire.

  • The flame of emotion sits a fierce word through kisses of passionate games, you are a master and beauty with a beautiful dance of love ideals. We achieve perfect moments with faith in love, this is the perfect reality in dreams.

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Loving up already

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
Maestro y Amigo @dobartim Estas 3 frases llamaron mi atención porque representan la base de nuestras actitudes:
  • Creamos condiciones con las más bellas emociones que nadan a la luz de la sinceridad, me volví magnífico en busca de los secretos ocultos de tu ser.
  • Perdí el pasado y el tiempo de la búsqueda de diamantes, estás por encima de la realidad que se extiende en la belleza infinita del imperio cósmico.
  • Logramos momentos perfectos con fe en el amor, esta es la realidad perfecta en los sueños.
  • En el pensamiento se crean o nacen todos pensamientos, sueños y fantasías que la imaginación sin limites logra captar.
    Muchas veces pasamos la vida buscando tesoros en la riquesa sin saber que la riqueza sin éxito no sirve, ser rico sin conocimientos no sirve de nada.
    El amor debe estar por encima de todo, porque sera el motor que nos ayude a alcanzar nuestras metas, nuestros sueños basados en nuestros conocimientos y aptitudes.
    Master and friend @dobartim These 3 phrases caught my attention because they represent the basis of our attitudes:
  • We create conditions with the most beautiful emotions that swim in the light of sincerity, I became magnificent in search of the hidden secrets of your being.
  • I lost the past and the time of the quest for diamonds, you are above the reality that extends into the infinite beauty of the cosmic empire.
  • We achieve perfect moments with faith in love, this is the perfect reality in dreams.
  • In thought all thoughts, dreams and fantasies are created or born that the unlimited imagination manages to capture.
    Many times we spend our lives looking for treasures in the riches without knowing that wealth without success is useless, being rich without knowledge is useless.
    Love must be above all else, because it will be the engine that will help us achieve our goals, our dreams based on our knowledge and skills.

    My friend, already making a post in this donation, he sought a little donation for the poor. And I've helped the person with some SBD from me .. The post is very amazing, terimaksih.

    Thank you


    Deep love with fair👍👍👍

    Love in the air

    Exactly! Your interpretation is spot on!