After supporting the fire campaign in my unit with a different platoon than the one I have become accustomed to be in during these almost three years, it is time to return to normality and say bye to this group of heroes with which I have shared day to day during these three and a half months.
But not before dedicating to this group of phenomena and eager beavers a detail with form of words.
For this I have chosen the most important type of stanza within popular poetry: the romance.
As you know is a type of stanza that has no limit in terms of number of verses but in the metric of each of its verses, which are octosyllables.
Its composition is made with loose odd verses and with the even verses rhyming in assonant.
Without undermining the exaltation of the different types of work they do and their importance, I wanted to give the composition a touch of humor.
Likewise, this writer hopes that none of those mentioned in the poem will take badly the said nuances, since they are just part of a sarcastic and ironic representation in order to soften it.
The rhyme and the metrics of this poem has been lost when was translated into English.
To the three thirteen platoon
When you listen the citizen
any bad happens,
there is no time for any doubt:
¡call section thirteen!
In less than a rooster crows
will delight the hosts,
giving a group show
with such a display.
Because there crouching the back
you'll see even their bosses.
«Papito» ina diver suit,
to «Osito» you'll see in green,
hoses carry «Huesitos»
and «Zeta» as a fop.
With kayak «Amen» goes piggyback,
in red «Ini» trough the wild ,
the pulaski «Falos» calls
from the cave area
but Moreno answers him
with some kind of accent:
«If the peak you need already
and you want me to lend it to you
send me on quickstep
fast to Silvestre the chicken.»
With the geophone carried
you will see some very strong guys,
since in its work they're habituated
to throw pulses to the death.
Appears in this scene
Bonache «the meridiense»,
that after having used
the eich ef radio,
has been able to contact
with an extraterrestrial group.
Look when you look
sweat, which is present,
goes without delay beading
all their pucked foreheads.
In all kinds of tasks
they're daily requireds
and without having rejected
they rush at ease.
¡Be very clear, boys
that if I were «the Big Boss»,
to the thirteen I would dedicate
even a TV show!
Corporal Cabanes, Telecommunications Specialist.