Happy Valentines Day!!

in poetry •  7 years ago 

Dearest Durrlene.

When it comes to building my dreams, you're the only tool for the job. Without you, my life is a chainsaw too small for a tree.

Happy Valentines Day!

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Have you ever built a tree house?

when I was a child :)

have you??

Nope, but always wanted one lol.

I'm gonna write it down real quick on my bucket list

This slice was taken from the last Ash tree on Ash St. In Morgantown, WV. It grew in my friend's family for 4 generations before it finally succommed to the Ash Borer Beetle.

I was able with my big saw to take some big pieces, to turn into treasures... before they got sent to the firewood pile. This stuff means a lot to me. Anything that is made from this wood represents his family, and the beauty and value of something that is quickly becoming lost.