in poetry •  7 years ago 

You didn't meet my dad?
Well, same here, I didn't too.
I'm a son of the streets
I'm the boy you saw today.
It's been ten years staying here
Without touch, without family-
You think I'd be normal like you?
You caught me stealing. Fine!
I called you for alms,
You laughed at my heart.
No, it wasn't my clothes-they are clean-
But my heart you saw in the dustbin!
I walk round and round the circle
of being happy and laughing ;
Like the kids I saw yesterday going to school.
But why am I blocked?
I'm not head-blocked!
You don't think I'm human.
How, when my skin is a den of sores?
This is inhuman.
See how you push me to the floor!
I face my head down
in hunger and anger
on this bridge you daily pass,
Waiting to die
or someday run mad.
I might be your family
If you took me in
I might be your blessing
When you rest in peace
I am the boy you saw today
Faced down on the bridge
You pass daily
I need a family.


Hello, dear Readers! We're glad to have you around
us to read Pencils. This piece is a sad picture of
many young children who are abandoned in the
streets by their parents. They lack the emotional,
parental, social, financial support from their
immediate family. And funny too, society seems
not to be any better than their parents!
Look around that "bridge" you daily pass to office
, school, home, or when you just go outing. There's
probably a child sitting face-down in emotional and
psychological isolation. A talk to them alone can
clear a week's hunger off their minds. Your
blessings could sure be more than you gave them or
Thanks for your audience!

Stay blessed, people!
Best wishes.

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