Dog and Master

in poetry •  5 years ago 

The Virtued Dog sat in the yard.

He always felt his master near,

Whom he'd obey from day to day

When time would tell him to appear.

The master, ne'er and ear astray,

Gave what it needed every day,

So kept alive, the canine thrived,

And only seldom disobeyed.

Long as it lived, The Virtued Dog

In Master's house, lived free with joy,

They understood each other well

(Although the dog'd often annoy).

How well a life all such beasts lead!

One us, humans, are seldom live'n,

A stressless way to live each day

Accepting what our masters' given!

A life from which we turn away,

And for ourselves, clothe house, and feed,

If just we lived the way dogs did,

For worry, there would be no need!

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