in poetry •  7 years ago 



The language of hope
Sometimes of fate roped
So many are caged in it
'I WISH' they may benefit from it

The utopic feeling of grandeur
Especially in men lacking refreshing candour
Mansions, power-cars , vacations, celebrity walks
'I WISH' they could put in some work

Hello girlfriend, You're beautiful
With my love, I can get your wine glass full
Should we have three kids or maybe four?
'I WISH' you had the courage and make her a go-for

45 and in the circle of regret
Thinking! How could I miss the target
Your youth, a barren adventure
'I WISH' you live and hand life an overture

Wish! A super word
Used by some as a means of escape
Used by others as a jetpack for sudden flights
Life is on a leash... For A kill or a lead
'I WISH' you decide

IMAGE SOURCE: http://www.tamsinhowse.com/blog/2011/09/if-only/i-wish/

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