Your Will

in poetry •  6 years ago 

Help me Lord, as I seek your Will,
To know when to move, and when to be still,
To know when to be silent, and went to speak,
Lord work through me, though I am weak,
Show me your way, and what to do,
For All My Desire is to please you,
I stand before you, in complete awe,
For all the blessings I saw,
All you have done, Mercy so great,
Always on time, and never late,
I thank you God, you've giving me,
Blessings more and security,
I may not know, how, where or when,
But I know on Jesus, I can depend,
So I wake up each day, with a smile on my face,
Ready to live, to win and to run the race,
Guide me, direct me, as I praise you,
Show me your will Lord, in all I do,
Thank you Jesus for saving me,
for by Grace with you, I have eternity.
Written by Denise Toro

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