in poetry •  6 years ago 

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My mistress calls for the wind whispers such to me , I must get closer , clime higher.

My pace races with my thirst , breath battling the cold air dissolving into the darkness that surrounds.
The clime is steep and wet, My eyes wide with hunger, Her gaze belittling such want.
Panic grips cold and tight squeezing my despair, The battle rages inside with want being the banner that shines.rational thought and what should be now gone, All that is left is what is real, I cannnot turn back not now for I have gone to far.

The change now apparent.

Claws hit hard against dirt and rock, embracing the bitter earth . All that is human in me is now gone faded into what was.
I reach my end and look at the world beneath then turn my head above , Her gaze torments my soil and feeds my wrath , Offering love that I cannot hope to have . I wail for I cannot fly , I howl at her wishing she would not leave me in such torment.

Torment turns to hate.

Hate of those who do not bathe in her pale light and deny her wisdom . Let me satisfy my want on their blood and bones and tear the soul from wretched flesh and offer it to Her pleasure so she may feast upon their fake purity.
I must quench my thirst and relieve my hunger and Sink my teeth into the warmness of life. I must obey, For I am the night that will fill thier void of purpose and such will bring satisfaction to my Queen, that she might release me from my damnation.

let the hunt begin.

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