in poetry •  7 years ago 


Read any book, watch any movie, and listen to any music album
It’s always there, romantic love, in a sticky kind of way
Like an obsession or an addiction
A lot of time is spent abusing and recovering from the drug
We talk about it, we think about it, and we dream about it
It’s penetrating our whole spirit, it’s like a red thread though our lives

In misery, in pain, in joy, and in bliss
We want to use this drug, and we will never stop searching for the perfect fix
But what if we’re not meant to find true love in this life?
What if we spend our whole life searching in vain?
I’m not saying anyone should give up on love
But to be desperate and needy doesn’t look good on anyone

Life has so much more to give than romantic love
What about friends, relatives, hobbies, travel, work, animals, nature?
What about becoming a better human being?
Maybe the irony in it all is that the day you love yourself enough
The day you figured out your biggest problems
That might be the first day you’re actually ready for true love

Until real love shows up in your life, be your own soul mate
Trust in a higher power that whatever is really meant to be will be
Keep dreaming, keep hoping but never become a love junkie
Let that obsession over that girl or guy go, it’s not true love anyway
Focus on learning to live in the present moment, to be happy
Find yourself and design a life that you enjoy and that feels meaningful

True love always finds a way, you must trust in that
Now, relax and let go

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Nice post :)
