Awful Sideliners! If Your Not Sub-Genius Then You're Just A Simple Idiot. Poetry Whacked Thought.

in poetry •  6 years ago 

Sidelined to schmuck, I'll be sucking the poison out. The rebel sell out to slack schtick comedy. All around ignoring the travesty. Shut in fantasy to shun whatever could make you feel...uneasy. This is not to make fun of anyone who is afraid. The shun run is the runaway that infects others with your own neurosis to infect people to become runts. If you feel small then make everyone else feel small and act like that's your 'standard' and say who cares, uh I dunno and stay comfortably numb. The haze ritual to give up and be not the fun kind of bum, the sad self doubting one that got clowned.

Shoot that gallop of speed outran the troop! Oops!! On my own now, the other side of 'not a care in the world'. Care so much that you become selfless and such, pretty much literally where you become in service of humanity, in a humane way. No allegiance to any flag or dogma. We were born naked without all that. Don't act so slack hat, like you don't want your super human abilities back!? True outrage reverses age to re-gain the voice of 'out of the mouth' of babes. Tangible hope wins over despair and hope is not a plan, get started on this job opening part to get a plan of tangy tangerine tangibility ability!

Those dreadful name callers! Oh but what if I am the man with no name! Even the nowhere man is someone after all! LOL. What a calling. Pit dumb against dumber!! While the proselytizers attempt to circumvent experiential reality only I truly know what it is like to be me! While they attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill with making the epic banal I have been at work magically making the banal epic!! The Divine Comedy To point out the Travesty Of The Devine Tragedy. Hit the switch for on top from the bottom wealth strategy, intestinal fortitude and sound sensitive discerning self of health majestically.

I know I've supposed and now remembered embrace your ignorance don't endorse it. Be okay knowing that you don't know instead of acting like you do know while knowing that you don't know. Duh or No Duh! Yo!!! Duh!!!

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great poem.thanks for sharing.

Great poetry.
Thanks for sharing this post.
I appreciate your every post....resteemit

hehe no prob!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Is it just me or the eyes of the poetry really says a lot? As if they are speaking to the viewer. As always another great set of paintings. I've been a fan!

Thanks for appreciating

Great job @havok777.......poetry's thinking is very tried.....thanks for sharing......

great poetry content,sir @havok777...
Pit dumb agains dumber!!!
so creative...
love it....
have a charming day!!
@upvoted @resteem

This great poetry, I like your post. keep it up

This is a trip homie !

There is a good poem. But poetry changes with age.

wow really great poetry post . thanks for @havok777