The end is the beginning

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

Don’t really know where it started nor if it ever really ends

There’s no such things as finite

It’s all about engaging in the endless beginning

Across the lights of the galaxies

An etheric butterfly hatched since eternities

Moving around the many dimensional layers of reality

Stumbled upon many mysteries

As the eternal creative flame once again rose

From its long slumber in eternities

To expand in all directions

The weaving web of Maya

From the absolute

Our giant quest waving towards the unknown

Felt as eternity started once again

Slipping through the train of memories

Our minds opened up to observe more clearly

The genius of thought process

Finding ourselves in an historical discontinuity

As we forgot our heroic origins

Not remembering how we got here

How do we know where to go?

If we don’t remember were we came from

As the present unravels

With the mysteries of this existence

On our planetary dimension

I sense the deepening of fiction

In our perceived everyday reality

Which becomes stranger than fiction

As dreams becomes reality

Waking up to the social fabrics

Reaching further to dissolve in a boundless self

The boundaries of matter with spirit

Seeing it all as fields of moving forces

Awakening out of time

Particles were becoming waves

How intricate the NOW seems

As we walk landscapes of possibilities

Flapping our wings

With questions of causalities

As chaotic butterflies

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