
in poetry •  6 years ago 

sebastian-spindler-Ozeaneum, Stralsund, Germany221561.jpg

Life abounds, life is complex,
life is contagious, Adversity to vex.
Be not afraid for life on Earth, but fear for
life as we know it, in all its dearth.

We are changing our World,
Our arrogance assumes,
We have a right and wisdom,
Though lack of it will doom.

For what will survive, will
Not be the same, all the
Diversity gone, and
We are to blame.


Jerry E Smith
Purple and Black Jellyfish
Sebastian Spindler

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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It saddens me deeply, and even moreso when I consider that,
To a large part,
The bible is to blame, because it gives man
DOMINION over the world, which most take to mean to:
"Use, use up without caring, waste, and generally do as we please"
with the natural world around us.
That is NOT what it says, but that is how those who would be in,
and stay in control of the world will interpret it.