Compilation for a new day: "The Web of Life", "Break the Cycle" and "Live together, we must"

in poetry •  7 years ago 


Intricate and interwoven, the web
Of life remains, quite interdependent.
Inclusive yet unique; it doesn’t ebb.
Wonders of creation are resplendent

We should never try to separate ourselves from the
Wholeness of the world we live in. We should try
Our best to maintain that wholeness of which
We are a part. Living in balance, conserving
Resources, using without waste, not only
Make sense, but is clearly the best way
To live together with the other lives
We share our world with. It is our
Responsibility to preserve and
Respect the world, since we
Alone have the power to
Destroy it. You know
The saying; “With
Great power,
Also comes

“The Web of Life” by
Jerry E Smith

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As far as the east is from the west,
Psalm 103:12

Think about something. When you stand in one spot,
Facing East, then turn around without moving from
That spot, your are facing West. The distance is all
In your mind; they are two arbitrarily determined
Concepts for travel and location, but in reality,
They-are-not-real. There IS no distance from
East to West. Just as there IS none between
Me and You. These imaginary distances are
Conditioned into us by history, by dogma,
Cultural baggage from wars centuries of
Long ago. Wars we had nothing to do
With. Acts of slavery, torture and
Imprisonment none of which we
Are responsible for, that we did
Not participate in; all things we
Are not responsible for, yet
There are powers that be
That want this distance
Between us to be our
Focus. Always.
Break the
Be responsible for yourself and your own
Actions. Think for yourself. Realize when
Something you are thinking or doing is
Not because it is something meant to
Do, but it is a conditioned reflex of
Hate, held over from long ago and
Fostered by those who’ll profit
By keeping us from treating
Each other like the real
Brothers and Sisters
That we really are.
Break the cycle.
Your actions
Are yours,

“Break the Cycle” by
Jerry E Smith

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Don’t hide behind some mask; your individuality is a
Defining part of our humanity, and it is also what
Makes us all the same. A paradox. We are the
Same because we are each of us different.
Enjoy our differences, but know that we
Are all the same family; roommates in
The same house. There are chores
That we each must share to keep
The house clean, and there are
Rules and boundaries for us
To be able to live together.
Live together we must..
We have a roommate
Agreement to live
Up to. Honor it.

“Live together we must”
Jerry E Smith

Thanks to @scrooger for the dividers

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Nice post!
