in poetry •  6 years ago 

Nothing calms the mind better than a poetry, take a chill and have a look at this.

Look at me and my scars
So deep and still hurts
From the wounds of the past
That I thought wouldn't last
But I'm still here with my story
I have a choice and i choose to be happy.


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I was rejected and dejected by many
Even by the ones I call my lady
My families thought I wouldn't go far
Here I am standing taller
With the only choice that makes me happier.

Where I come from is evil and dark
Your so friends stab you in your back
My best friend once snatched my boy friend
But I choose to live for my life not to end
This is me saying to you I feel better
Happier, greater, healthier and older.

Happiness is a choice we have to make
Despite the sadness as a choice to take
Since I know this, I have become the best
To overcome the tests among the rest
Here I am living amongst you all
Glad for the choice I stand tall.

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This is poetry about scaling through sadness of life to find happiness. Truly, happiness is a choice we have to make. Thanks for choosing happiness.


Thanks dear you know you got me do this, you are a mentor.