Consider your ways.

in poetry •  6 years ago 

Consider your ways.

Now therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways.

You work much, but have so little. You try to advance but still are stuck on the basic fundamentals; you eat and drink but are on the brink of malnutrition, starvation while living in a fat, obese, overweight nation. You seek to improve your situation to with clothes, houses, spouses but still feel as low as louses, you still fear the figurative cats like scared little mouses, mice, you have done all this getting and receiving but at such a great price of your everlasting soul, yet your savings/investments still fall through the proverbial holes.

Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways.

This verse, this scripture, this passage was written on pages of past years, yesterdays when God's people, Israel continued to be misbehave, spending and saving to fix their houses, homes but unknown to them God, Jehovah had already left them alone.

Consider your ways.

They, the Jews continued beautify their places in colorful hues, but they failed to pay homage by paying their religious, spiritual duties to bring wood as they should to built the temple of God, but they were not going to blessed because they refuse to do the job, and thought it odd that they could escape as they rob the one that never sleeps, slumbers in would have incumber them, me, us to do

Consider your ways.

Most, many seek plenty to fulfill their physical, carnal needs and gushing greeds thinking they will receive the work from heads and hands but they fail to understand that God still demands his people to obey his commands but wealth, riches will slip through most folks like sand going through a small child's hands, fingers trying to get material thing minus God those things will not linger. Remember this zinger.

Consider your ways.

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