Sometimes these days

in poetry •  7 years ago 

I always feel lonely
When I am physically or not
I can't fill it
I spend my time alone paralyzed
Sometimes I cannot think my thoughts
Just lonely holes in my time spent
That are gone forever
I spend the lucid moments planning for when the house is filled again
I can never wait until it's time to filter home to me
And then its not enough
It's not enough and I do or say something
That comes through wrong
Because it's not their fault I am lonely
And so I am paralyzed inside my mind
Knowing I am not alone
Feeling like I am brain damaged
And thinking I can out think it
Because it makes no sense
Except maybe this is where I am supposed to be
Right here at this time
Things are just lining up
To reconnect the broken wires
Repairing these holes I cannot remember
But it's everyday now
So I worry about lost time more and lonely less
And all I can do every night
When I'm trying to sleep
Is remind myself that it wasn't always like this
Its been better and worse
I can't only remember the worse
So tomorrow I shouldn't be lonely
So sleep and my brain can not feel my damage
And try this again tomorrow

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Beautiful writing Karen. I love you. <3 <3 Thanks for getting it out, I hope it brings a bit of relief to write. Hugs!!

Thanks lynds. Love you so much. I am just rolling with all of the feels these days. Good and bad. I think thats where I will reside for a while. Feels ok. :) Xo

That's great Karen, get it all out Sis, and then some more!!!