100days Steemit School Poetry Challenge: Day 5; A begging nation

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

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The beggar crouches on the bare floor,
Begging from decent beggars.
The decent beggars work in offices
Serving the executive beggars
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The executive beggars
Globe-trot round the world
Making empty speeches and promises,
Sugarcoated bilateral issues of common interest

In the end, they sell out the nation's reserve
and acquire more and more debts
With promises and an I.O.U
Back home, squandering and in squalor.

Who will pay
These gross national debts
Which have been rescheduled
Times without number

Our children and our children's children?
Generations yet unborn.
Could the beggar by the street
Be a sacred symbol of the beggar nation that we are?


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Can I beg u fir an upvote ? Joke !! I like the simplicity and reality of this poem, the system has turned us into beggars for a piece of paper given power over us ! ✨Freedom ✨👍🏿

All in the name of civilization...
Thank you for feedback

Begging something is not good