Once Upon A Time…

in poetry •  8 years ago 

Once Upon A Time…

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Once upon a time, not long ago…
People still smiled and nodded hello.
Helped you with your bags..,
or held opened your door.

Exchanged common pleasantries --
or just flipped you the bird.
Engaging and aware..,
they were part of this world.

Some brazen and brash,
others fragile and shy.
Didn't matter which one,
at least they looked you in the eye

It was a given back then --
a sign of respect.
A gesture between two,
that connected us all.

The presence of this manor,
evades us with today.
The lack of such honor,
displayed day to day.

The thread of our fabric,
has frayed through the years.
The strength of it's essence,
weakened with time.

Are we wired so hard,
we've forgotten how to breathe…
So lost in ourselves,
we can no longer see.

The courtesy we surrender,
for a better place in line.
Without even blinking --
but the universe can see...

We've taken for granted,
human decency itself.
Too busy texting,
to notice anyone else.

Is it better this way --
do we get more done...
With our character robbed,
our spirit embarrassed.

A pat on the back,
a shake of the hand.
Is all that it takes
…to feel human again.

Image Source: 1

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Great post! Upvoted and resteemed!

Thanks @riosparada.., appreciate it!

Very nice poem. I still say hello to just about every person I happen to walk past when I'm out for an evening stroll in my neighborhood. It's nice to hear that most still do smile and say hi back. Some just look but never say anything. :)

That sounds nice @freeinthought... In my neighborhood, they just look at you like you are crazy. Cheers!

Once upon a time too, common sense was common.

It's kind of lost now.

Yeah, that seems to have taken a little hit, too... Cheers @aldentan!

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Now I likes that I does.


its good to bring this home