in poetry •  7 years ago 


Caught in-between
neither here nor there
stuck in the middle
lost and nowhere

searching for answers
we don't deserve to know
believing we're entitled
to all they bestow

trapped in a time
where so little makes sense
hopelessly sifting through
all the lofty pretense

grasping at straws
just going along
paying the price
for all that is wrong

attempting to decipher
things we know to be false
trying like mad
just to stay the course

focused on a goal
something you hold dear
trying to tune out
the bullshit and fear

"who am I…"

reaching for the stars
questioning the man
making a difference
was always part of the plan

taking the road
the one less traveled
assuming the answers
will someday unravel

wanting to believe
while attempting to steer
this paradox of life --
but.., why am I here?

Image Source: 1

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I watch recently an old movie tittled "Instinct" with Antony Hopkins...
He made me remember our instinct roots & as nature have build use, i believe the best way to act is to be "The Silver Back Gorilla". Meaning, we all have to watch out for the one we care & if we all do so, then the world be for sure a better place =)


Sounds like a plan to me... :))

I wonder this since that I was a child... I do not hve an anwers yet.
Excellent poetry, @macksby.
Thanks to @mammasitta for resteem this post.

Thanks @oneray... I guess it's the mystery of life and the search for such answers.., that makes it so special.

Gotta love @mammasitta!

The paradox of life... So why are you here? This is this question that make the life beautiful. If we had the answer to it, it would maybe lose its sense. I guess? :-)

Sweet and Deep poetry you made here. English is not my native language, but you made it really easy to understand, but complex at the same time.


Having all the answers would make it kind of boring I guess... Thanks for the thoughtful comment @troilo

these moments of confusion to arise don't they! I do believe we all have something to contribute however small or large and also that we can make a big difference by just being decent and thoughtful everyday. But then again, I'm hopeleslly hopeful :-)

I agree completely... And I do greatly admire your hopefulness... :))

You just answered my question I mentioned today in my article.
Thank you!

Glad you resteemed this piece, or I may have never seen it!

Thanks @mammasitta... Always glad to help -- now I have to go find that article you wrote... :))

A distinctive poem


focused on a goal
something you hold dear
trying to tune out
the bullshit and fear

Daily! This entire piece resonates with me. Sorting through it all, questioning everything. I just wrote today about how our minds are wired for fear and bullshit, it's the retraining yourself to not listen that's the hard part.
Beautiful poem! Upvoted and Followed!

You are not alone.., so much of the world operates out of fear and bullshit. And you are spot-on when you say tuning it out is the hard part...
Thanks for the comment Mo.., it is very much appreciated. Have a good one!

Nice poem!

Thanks you!

You're welcome!

so beautifully written thanks for sharing this

Thanks @blazing... :))

Wonderful poem! Thanks for sharing.

Appreciate it... CHEERS!

Its a beautiful poem.

Thank you!