away. (Day 70 of 100 -- Poetry challenge)

in poetry •  6 years ago 

Click the video to hear (and see) the spoken word:


Every morning she rises
and sits on the edge of her bed
thinking about the day ahead
as her dreams slowly fade


Every night as she folds back
into the enveloping plushness
she is anguished by all the things
                                  she had hoped to do.

Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at 1.20.21 PM.png

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You know, in retrospect, it's not surprising that the day after you published this, you published "I want to roll you up like a precioux textile," as this poem is full of fabric-related imagery, especially in the second stanza - "folds", "enveloping," especially with "plushness" which makes me think of cushions and winter blankets, hmm.
(And the video also had quite a focus on fabrics, or at least it felt that way to me.)

Speaking of "enveloping plushness," that sure is a phrase to unpack, especially when we know your distaste, even though it is sometimes a bit knee-jerk, against "safety," which is interesting, as you champion comfort.
Enveloping plushness, also an image that could easily be connected to warmth and security, and to a lover's, or a mother's embrace, but it also hides you away, takes you away, almost as if you drown.

There is a void between the opening stanza and the closing one. And it leaves me in mind of the saying, or the parable, of the person who spent every day thinking of what he could've done different earlier in his life, and then he spends the next day thinking of what he could've done the day prior, and ends up doing nothing.

That it is "useless" to look so at the past does not mean we don't all do it.
And of course, it isn't useless. It's a good way to course correct, to find out what it is we truly want to do, by seeing what we miss most over not having done.

But the hope is to not let it envelope you.

Easier said than done.
We can never get everything done. This puts me in mind of the Spoon Theory, and we usually don't have enough time, even if we are perfectly healthy.

And is there anything more draining than thinking of what we did not accomplish? I am not sure there is.


Dark, morning.
False dreams vanish.
Revealing reality appears.
Unfolding momentarily.
Doubling back and forth.
High noon.
Bright, midday.
Success and failure, intertwined.
Dark, evening.
Unwind. Relax. Refresh.
Night. Sleep.
Bright dreams.

Great imagery here @hrissm! You are just as talented as @mamadini when it comes to invoking imagery into the writings. Thank you for your talent. Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Thanks appreciate the kind words and glad you enjoyed. I tend to need some direct inspiration to be poetic and actually share/document it.

I understand and you are welcome.

I love this kind of rebuttal.

Gorgeousness. Hopeful.

Perception provides perfection — even though, we know, it doesn’t exist.

While it also, and/or actually, exists everywhere.

Very astute, and, I very much agree. :)

Another great poem @mamadini! You are truly a gifted writer who invokes many emotions, thoughts and images into one's writing. Thank you for the gift that you have and sharing it with the world. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

Thank you, T. <3

Your words are ever so kind and truly appreciate them.

But then how can she manifest anything in the here if she lost solidity, she will need to find herself first ...

Oh YES... Kate forever! This was my favorite track for a season, long, long ago. <3

<3 Love Katie :D since I was 14

Yeah, I was probably round that age too. ;)

whether this poem is about regret, or a sense of disappointment, or waiting for something far close to the heart, I like and are impressed @mamadini

:: Bows deeply ::

Thank you. <3

and yet another day comes bearing it's fruits of possibility
But the branches are sometimes too far away
and we wait (im)patiently for it to drop at our feet.

:: big smile::

Thank you kindly.

You are onto to something rather profound about human experience with this one. I have trained my mind not to think too much on either end of the day. The psyche is vulnerable to negative thoughts at the tale ends but also open to positivity.

Fantastic penning, Mamadini:)

Oh yes, the magic space before we slip into the ethers is a time to maintain healthy thoughts. ;)

Thank you, dear. <3