I wanted to take a moment this morning to share some happiness on your timeline

in poetry •  6 years ago 

Today, I am thankful for warm weather. For laughter. For looking at old photographs and being reminded of people I love and memories I shared with them. For the sound of ocean waves. For palm trees. For hugs from my boyfriend. For change.⠀

Today is March 1st, the third month of the New Year, and it's Pisces season, aka my birthday is coming soon! (Which means a lot of thankfulness, humility, and celebration.) ⠀

I wanted to take a moment this morning to share some happiness on your timeline. Will you help me out? Will you comment one thing you're thankful for today? ⠀

My hope is that this post can be a thread of positivity that fights the Instagram algorithm and reminds us of all the beautiful things that we have to be thankful for, even in the most difficult seasons of our lives.

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