
in poetry •  7 years ago 

I do not owe allegiance to a flag
Or a nation, or a book
I don't belong to a religious institution
I am bought with a price, paid for in full

My redemption does not depend
Upon opinions of men
Or a set of behaviors passed down
From generation to generation

You may be my accuser
But my judge resides in
A place beyond time and space
And I live to make peace between God and man

Reconciliation is more than a word
More than a vocabulary builder
More than christianese, it is real
It is the meaning of life on this plane, our purpose

Eternity begins now and
Every moment that passes brings us closer
To the elimination of time and space
To the great reveal of what lies behind the curtain

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It's really nice and inspirational poetry. I really like your words that you have used in this poetry.
It's really describes the meanings of life. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poetry.

You are welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

A very good poetry.

Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to leave this comment. I'll follow your blog.

very nice poetry... "i am bought with a price"... sorry but i have to ask what is that price?

For me, that means the sacrifice of Jesus. In some ways, it's become metaphorical for me, as an example of what a human can do if they give themselves up in service to others. The idea of a God that stepped into time for me, appeals to something in me.

that's great... its a really nice poetry and i love your answer...please keep up the good work

Will do.

This resonates. Great work!

Thanks, I appreciate your comment!

Liked it!


You got me on the first couple lines! I felt every word, how i feel to the core. No need for many words here..just let me say ..Thanks!..H

I appreciate your comment. Glad it spoke to you.

Yes, it surely did! Will be checkin for your latest works. Till next time, write on.... write on.....H

Beautifully written - well done!