What makes you happy?
A simple question, right?
Or at least one would think.
Ask 100 different people and you’ll probably get 88 different answers.
Happiness is relative to who you ask.
Most say it can be found in experiences
and who you share them with.
Others find it within doing what they love
music, sports, a hobby or business.
But whatever it is
it looks different for everybody.
But how do you find happiness?
Well they (whoever they are) say that happiness is a choice.
You wake up each day and you make the choice to be
Always choosing the brighter perspective
even when everything is dark around you.
I call bullshit.
You can’t force yourself to be happy because happiness is a state of being that we never really get to.
We are warned about those who look for happiness in the “next” thing
but I’m more afraid of those who become complacent.
While some may drag their chains of complacency
Others plot on ways to use those same chains you thought would weigh them down
to choke you out with.
Figuratively of course.
Do you strive for more
knowing that you can do and have better?
Or do you find happiness in the complacency of thinking you’ve done enough?
….maybe I’m just a prisoner of the mind….