The Energizer for your life

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

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My heart is so passionate
Every one I heard the sacred tausiyah
Compose he blushed my heart
Rhythmic flow roses my ears

My soul feels hailed
Every moment of
movement is stunned Joke a sense of
silence Shaking my silence

O my warfare, do not drown
My love for this struggle
Just because you do not meet the teacher
Who always knocked on your heart door

Embed in your memory,
A hopeful , hopeful outlook
Like looking at the beautiful blue sky
Full of light, warming your heart

In order to express the cause of the struggle,
Together with the kalam and the word of the word To
prove the sense of care, the brave symbol
To make the light illustrate this

Be fragrant flowers in this persada
The scattered, natural charm
Rise and step with certainty
Civilizations in this country must be upright

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Sang Penyemangat

Hatiku begitu menggebu
Setiap kudengar tausiyah suci itu
Rangkai katanya merona hatiku
Alur ritmiknya memerah telingaku

Jiwaku menggebu haru bertalu
Setiap derap pergerakan dihentakkan
Menyentak rasa lengang sanubari
Menggetar senyap keterlenaanku

Wahai geloraku, jangan tenggelamkan
Rasa cintaku pada perjuangan ini
Hanya karena tak bertemu sang guru
Yang selalu mengetuk pintu hatimu

Sematkan dalam ingatanmu,
Pandangan optimis penuh harapan
Seperti menatap indahnya langit biru
Penuh cahaya, menghangatkan hati

Agar kusambut langkah perjuangan itu,
Bersama kalam dan sabda yang tlah terpatri
Buktikan rasa peduli, simbol pemberani
Agar sinarnya terangi persada ini

Jadilah bunga yang harum di persada ini
Yang menebar wangi, pesona alami
Bangkit dan melangkahlah dengan pasti
Peradaban di negeri ini harus tegak berdiri

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This In order to express the cause of the struggle,
Together with the kalam and the word of the word To
prove the sense of care, the brave symbol
To make the light illustrate this Be fragrant flowers in this persada The scattered, natural charm
Rise and step with certainty Civilizations in this country must be upright.

This good poetry

Hello @mi-ijakrong! Sudah kami upvote yaa.. ;-)