On Resistance

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)

Life flows like water from “source” back to “source”.
We are in it.
We are of it.
Or maybe it is both.


I can feel the water changing. I see rapids up ahead.
My mind it starts a racing and my thoughts they turn to dread.
Fear of pain and of danger. With effort I resist.
I struggle, crashing banging, yelling out and shaking fist.
“Why have you forsaken me.”, “Why must it be this way!”
I splash in blind resistance. I have nothing nice to say.
I use up all my energy, but there’s no progress to show.
Just turmoil in the water and no longer can I go.
Exhausted I collapse... and my breathing starts to slow.

I relax into my source... I release myself to the.
And I feel a sudden change. No more danger do I see.
I feel stillness and clarity. I’m effortless, yet flowing.
Life takes me gently. I trust in my knowing
that all will be well, no matter what.
Feelings of “fun” become so clear-cut.
I bounce and I bob and I look straight ahead.
No longer with fear. I trust where I am led.
All around me I see beauty and grace.
I love how things always fall into place.

The image is from https://www.pexels.com/photo/nature-forest-waves-trees-2438/![nature-forest-waves-trees.jpg]

and a haiku for U ;)

Life moves us forward.
It is inevitable.
So go with the flow.

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