Letter to Sad frog from Froggy.

in poetry •  7 years ago  (edited)


Withered broken heart.

Sad tortured eyes.

There is no running away from you.

Ain't no turning back.

No lyrics to fit your sad dance.

Just some old scaly memories,

That stays glued on your glassy withered heart.

Your eyes is music enough to your punctured soul.

There is no one to dance this love sick dance with you.

Just you, maybe your hands, your knuckles and nose that may bleed from time to time

There is no east, no west, no north, no south,

But you are sure there is a center, a lost center.

Where your scaly heart meets with your watery blind soul.

You know nothing maybe able to take the pain away.

Yet you do not accept that you are dead...

You are the lonely lost soldier on a non existent battlefield with a million soldiers of illusion.

Even if your tears form prints of indescribable pain on earth, on the sky or wherever you find yourself...

You are not heard.

You are still alone. . .

Your heart is a lonely island...

Maybe no one would ever find it.

You, the sad frog.

This is a damaged lyrics bestowed unto your weeping heart, lost to the hot sands of love.

Keep bleeding...

Stop beating.

Sad frog.

Yours in love...


Image Source: Pixabay

My pen Bleeds!

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This is sooooo poetic! I feel the rhythm.... What a nice call on poetry.
Keep it up and happy steeming

This is so sad yet very great. Nice poem.

This is good!
Very succinct and inspiring...

Nice poem sis.....lol...my mentor

@mimy one of a kind to read, so refreshing to me to read in this mood.

That's what's up.

There are no rhymes actually and still poetic with message, great work ma'.

Im following you, hoping your ingenuity will help my creativity, watch out for me pls and help me develop, i write poems too

Mimy vanilla is here again with a brain burster. Really love it

My heart is a lonely island
Maybe no one will ever find it.

This is the current state of my heart right now. You spoke truth TO ME.