A Collection of 33 Original Short Poems (With Original Artwork)

in poetry •  8 years ago  (edited)

Her hair wisped and curled in the breath of the wind. Her eyes went astern and the madness began. What once made pure, was now defiled. Her gentle noumenon devoured, availed too soon. What led to this despoilment, this demon she embraced? Was it her or another? Or, just cruel fate?

Facio est omnibus scutum protectie fortissimi.

By their wealth they are blind, for they will not see; what their riches and gold by the others believed. What is true in their hearts, the former’s hands hold tight. For their love is as deep as the deep sea in night.

What darkness gained, by time be tamed. An enigma, its nemesis, of which remains. That shining light on horizon’s threshold. A triumphant gleaming of future’s past. In shadows, children speak in tongues of men forgotten. Waiting for, in time, it’s rising to come again.

The weathered faces, the warm embraces. I found them staring, glancing into the future of their passionate divinity. When the sky opened wide, they stepped into the endless breadth of their heavenly bodies.

Through the puddle it was clear he did see. What once was before would soon again be. The galloping horses, through the streets they do stride. The rainwater drops, upon faces, upon smiles. Spinning, twirling, dancing around. The collection of water upon the ground. Their hooves clomping brick, then a pause and a splash. The clouds then will part and the light comes at last.

Twisted an torn was the flesh of the beasts upon which the crowd of the people did feast. What once was fair, now pulled asunder, as their mouths salivated and gasped with their hunger.

There’s always a lantern to light the way. Whatever came before will be always. To look within is a saving grace. To look without is a bitter place. Even inside the dark doth gain, a brightened light and perspective again.

The bench where he sits is cold and dark, though, burning in his heart are the flames of desire. Just out of reach, but just within grasp. A longing stare, a jilted grip. When he takes what he wants the fire wanes, but only for a fortnight, after which it returns. Endless, boundless, the cycle continues forever.

A mist filled the street as the crowd cheered with joy and a subtle thunder beat like a pulse through the night. Shades of orange and red tinted the street where they once were. An eerie calm and ghostly chill enveloped the land, as a growing anticipation convened…a waiting…a wanting. What dreams will their reality bring?

Alone on the sea, they sailed and they sailed. What lies beneath, what creatures, a reflection? They took time to ponder, but was their answer the question? Only time will tell, only minds will wander. The grand illusion reavealed in a dream. What started by night is what ends in the dawn. It’s as simple as that…you are chess to a pawn.

What price would the prince, who once had made, a slave, for his milking cow now pay? This time, the test, would now be seen. For now this prince must be believed. His dreams do come, for now this day, his test begins in the tower of clay.

The ominous chateau stood amidst the darkness. What fate awaited those who partook of its irresistible feast within?

Where is that beacon of light? Is it drowned by the waves of sorrow and hatred? Is it mourned each dusk by the night’s pale shadow? Is it flickering in an alley between the here and inbetween? Or…is it in you?

The lantern cast a brilliance on the small dark town. The wind blew with a cold so deep it clawed at their very hearts. The only solace they found was in the warm flame of the lamp. The return was near.

He rose from his chair and left the room, but you never know if he’ll be back soon. The floors will creak and your heart will quake when you hear him coming to decide your fate.

To walk is a feeling that needs a thought to believe and will divine in dreams the awakening of the eyes of your soul.

Bricks will fall or will be laid, what ground beneath our feet we’ve made. Hasten the day…harken the night. We follow the path we feel is right.

Take the chains that bind this well, a fortitude of sorrow, and allow the free spirit within to forever lock away the doubt that brings pain. An ocean of guilt is tided by the bright moon of forgiveness. Embrace it, and imbibe a taste of its sweet waters

The building stands, time won’t erase, the scorches made by man’s embrace. Facing, watching, the withered land…forever it seems, this building stands.

Through the hovel she glimpsed the trees, the ocean, the people…all just a visage through an opening in her soul. What other dreams make her spirits soar? Is it only her mind, or is it more?

Their lavish voyage, a destination in time. The blue waters that sparkle, the eyes that shine. A delicate hand caresses the wave. In their mind a second glance will never fade.

Amidst these dank and cold walls a light peers through the darkness, unveiling the true nature within us all.

Red, blue, pink, purple…colors filling summer’s sky. Cascades with golden light and stars behind, the magic fills the void.

The air was still warm, but she could feel the cool breath of autumn as it gently caressed the nape of her neck. A shiver ran down her back and a smirk appeared on her face…she knew, it was almost time.

By salt, by flame, I knew thy name. By land and sun, by breeze and sea. With might, your words, forever endured. Even still are thine waters and ever is thy body. Likened to man and likened to beast, forever they claim your name is released. I know thy name.

Within is where their bones remain, all of life in death will wane. Burned and scortched by fiery blaze, this crucible becomes a grave. Livened by the seering heat, now ashened hearts no longer beat. Escaped are dreams, but rest will bring, a lasting peace for all in need.

What once stood tall, a place in time, forever will be a place that shines. Though ravaged by age, this tale untold, has yet to be spoken, so true and bold.

Sustenance sustained, life gained, rapid tongues wag at the precipice of enlightenment. A futile effort to maintain control. Let go, be free, good things will come.

Derelict and reclining she takes a breath and recalls the memories of a time before. The swinging chandelier before her cascading through her mind, ever wandering amidst the shadows of the past.

The stage is set and ready to go, With glee he danced and stole the show. A fortnight spent with talent abroad, he smiled and bowed with the crowd’s applaud.

He smiled and laughed as the joy of his spirit was lifted from the caverns of despair by his faith in the generosity of the great spirit.

The light shimmered amidst the fluid sky, like a reflection of the soul. The color is vivified by the luster of thought, swimming through an ocean of consciousness. What does your soul contribute to this orchestra of nature?

All Poetry and Photography & Artwork by Gregory Allen Brown (aka Mystic Eye Art).
For more poetry, photography, video and audio, visit http://www.mysticeyeart.com

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I really liked this, and i love the images to help add to the experience.

Thank you! I'm delighted you love it/them. This inspires me to create more. :-)