Steem Poetry Slam Challenge Entry: Guided By The Pen (An Original Poem)

in poetry •  8 years ago  (edited)

The journey that brought me here has weaved its way

Through the multiple fields I found each day

Into uncharted waters that washed away

The lingering thoughts

Of what it is I wish to say

The pen it calls me to reach out now

The pen it speaks slowly to me and asks me how

How it is that I can voice a thought that I have held so tightly

And not be broken by it all?

An experience proffered to a faceless crowd

Has awoken an anxiety from the depths it calls home

Do I really know the consequences of these actions I wish to own?

Or suffer from my endless need to know

To know why the pen calls me to seize its strength

Channel my thoughts through its graceful length

And pour it all out into a world unknown

So I may know it as my own

An old world is passed over

A new world is born

As I pour my thoughts into written words

Guided by the pen

And my need to learn

To let it all go

And trust

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@naquoya, beautiful! i experience a certain relationship with my pen/keyboard, too. :-)

Thank you for your comment @erikaharris. The keyboard has more input these days, but it lacked a certain poetic beauty as opposed to the pen. So I stayed oldschool!

I like your poetry keep it up !

Thank you so much. It's very heart warming to hear that.

Great poem and I can also appreciate your rhyme structure that you weave within your writing. The relationship of the mind, heart and soul tethered to the expression of self through the medium of writing technology is a fluent and a ever soothing release indeed. Keep it up and good luck to you as well. Upvoted and followed. I'll check your future posts for more inspiration for my short stories and poetry posts as well.

I appreciate the kind words and the follow. I shall reciprocate. Your poetry entry is powerful, I think you'll do well. I look forward to reading through your other posts. One never knows where inspiration will strike, and from where!