Retrograde (Original Poem and Photography)

in poetry •  8 years ago 

When my grandmother asked me

where exactly the internet is

I was dumbstruck;

as she reminded me

that I had bought into

being oblivious to wonder

just like everyone else.

Hearts are harvested like crops in these strange lands;

I hope you have some patience left in you

for another sleepless day,

for another dreamless night.

When everything has been said

our words will still be dancing

in the air all around us,

nothing will ever be lost.

/Photography by me / Verification

/Divider by

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beautiful :)

thank you :)

It's very true, there are too many times in our modern world that we don't ask what should be an obvious question.

yes, I love it whenever someone asks something similar — it's like suddenly seeing the world with the eyes of a child again. :)

I think if we could do that and shed our preconceptions, there are likely a lot of problems we could be solving, but we keep attacking them with the same set of tools and parameters.

I loved everything about this especially last few lines... well done!