No to Suicide, Yes to Life { Poetry }

in poetry •  7 years ago 


In the ruins there she lay
No grass, no carpet as her underlay

Tired of living maybe sick of the relays
Ashes all over her even dust and clay

She’s in a hurry to leave the world with no delay
Not caring what people feels or ever say

Afterall she needed help the other day
She was taken as a joke and random play

So sad and frustrated she wandered away
Far into the forest far from the eastern rays

Forest so thick blocking the western rays
Gave money to death as a service pay

Positively active for suicide like the alpha rays
Negatively determined like the beta rays

Low energy state as in gamma rays
What an astonishing array

But no , she wants to die and decay
All her talent buried away

She said better than working and no pay
It’s became a tradition like a track on replay

My friend stay alive today is the D day
Just as we talk your jet is ready on the runway

Not dying no more but going to Norway
It’s your happy day, it’s your birthday

Lady jumped up, ready to fly away
It’s my lucky day , I say hurray !!!

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Death isn’t the solution to the problem
Suicide isn’t the way out
But a waste of potentials
Amazing poetry