Dear Dyeairy impression in time
Everything is for a reason
Time was not explained
For it was only an invention to count something else
Dear Dieary impression in time
You are only here to recount
What is lost
Yet still glaringly obvious
through the movement... change
Registered only by the mark it was recognized
Starts only when observer perceives
Receives and transformed consciously...into the conscious
Subconsciously much awaits
Dear Diary
You bring the past to the present
The only thing real is now
dear Diary
Even happy memories
Are sad somehow
Every yesterday seems a loss
Dear Diary do you doubt thyself?
Often I feel so lost
Each impression we make
I know affects...
Each regression we make is suspect
Dear Direary
nothing stays the same
And the only thing real to us now is the present
Deal with what past
Present manifested
Future reigns upon tomorrow
The only thing genuine manifest thoughtfully impressed is Now
Ones65118 Picture captured within program Stellarium