~Who is She? ~ Moon day 1

in poetry •  7 years ago 

 Moon Day 1   

The moon plays many parts, has told many stories.

Today, we sit on the cusp of a full moon, and Imbolc; passing of the season from winter cold to seeing the first signs of spring. Since ancient times this phase has been a celebration of the passing from death and returning into Life.

Myth holds that the return of the sun at Imbolc marks the recovery of the Goddess Brigid after giving birth to a god. As the light is lengthened each day, she awakens. She is Reborn. Mother to Crone. Crone into Maiden, into Mother, back to Crone.

I sit in contemplation, wonder, feeling deeply into my role here, my place in the patterns of life on Earth. As I honor the cycles of the Earth beneath my feet I find Peace in the cycles of my own human life. I give thanks to the Moon in Her aspect as the triple Goddess.

Imbolc is this Friday February 2nd.

On Imbolc at sunset or just after ritual, it is tradition to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. Or, light candles in each room in honour of the Sun’s rebirth.

If you wish to connect deeply with the Earth spirits on this day, create a ritual to give thanks. Go somewhere you consider Sacred space, in nature, or in your home. Offer celebration to Life and gifts to the Earth. Spend time in that space, visualize your wishes and dreams. Allow yourself to open up and Listen to the voices of Nature. What do you hear?

Art from http://www.renegadetribune.com/imbolc-celebration-goddess/

~Original Poetry ~

Who is She?

 The Moon. My Womb. My Mother's Womb. 

 Our bodies magnetized, drawn 

By the energies of ebb and flow, 

Push and pull 

Though we will struggle 

We learn to release from All control 

At the everlasting moment 

As Light aligns in the ancient cave 

In our hearts, a Sacred safe space

Where All our children are made 

Keep secret no more  

A womb cannot be a cage 

A Heart can never be enslaved 

 The Moon is the candle of the Night 

Held up near the mouth of a child 

Her eyes are inflamed, hair gone Wild 

She sees between twilight   

With Her bare naked eyes 

She peers between Souls 

Beyond black, beyond white 

Beyond hearing and sight 

Beyond wrong, beyond right 

She knows then 

All Hearts are Alight 

Reflecting the Love of   

True Eternal One 

Like the Light of the Moon 

Shines the Light of the Sun   


art by Stephanie Law

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Beautiful words, thanks for this, i'll be doing the Friday ritual with you in spirit in my own space. Thank you.

This full moon, is so powerful, leading up to it, I havent been sleeping probably for days. I just came on steemit and have been an introverted recluse not using social media for the last 3 years during my saturn returns. Now north node is in leo and i'm coming out to the world again!

Wow, welcome back!! I'm so glad you found me here 💙 what year were you born? I just went through my Saturn as well, born July 1988, I'll be 30 this year.
This leo full moon has been intense for me too!
I hope you get some sleep soon :)
I'm so glad to find others in this community that are on the Earth wavelengths. #onewithearthtribe !!!
Have a blessed ceremony, we will be together in spirit 🙏

April 87 ... That why i'm a 🐮
saturn in sag, higher learning and travel, did all of that, transformed my diet, stopped smoking & drinking alcohol and caffeine as well. living my life with spiritual purpose. keep up your beautiful work.

yes, sounds familiar... saturn in sag also, at Galactic center ; ) thanks for reading and please continue to make space and time to read and share the journey, i think we have a lot in common to share!

I’m just putting it together. I haven’t been sleeping for days either. I actually frequently have bouts where I just have to be nocturnal for a 3-4 days, sometimes just getting hours of sleep in the morning. Think I’ll start a sort of sleep journal and check it with the Moon.

you sound like an Aquarius

Sagittarius with borderline Scorpio actually 😃

Thank You for #lunar thru #imbolc invoking.
Snowdrops, Harebells, and deep earth dreaming to us all and for the earth.
Ryan Scotland harebells.JPG

i love this picture! That is a look of absolute Bliss! is it you ?? thanks so much for coming by to read and share with me <3 please continue to share the journey

It's actually my dear [New York Italian] spouse of 27 years, blissing out on Scottish soil [my lineage] after we'd walked all day in wilderness there. It's one of my favorite pictures of him :)

Eek! I’m super stoked for Imbolc coming up. This is my first year having the desire to celebrate it and also my first year having a deeper understanding of it. I had just wrote out a list of some things I want to make sure to do before I got on here. Really been connecting with and diving deep into learning about the Goddess Brighid lately too, before I realized Imbolc is like her day. She’s been so loving, refreshing and inspiring.
Thank you for blessing us with that beautiful poetry also. 💗🙏🏻

Hi dear! Thanks again for reading and InJoying my share, it means a lot to me!
This will be my first year fully honoring Imbolc as well, and it is such a blessing to share it with Steemit.
How beautyfull that you connected with Brigid 💙 she is an amazing Earth momma!! 😄
Enjoy the season ceremony 🙏
bless you through this magical time on Earth