I — Bravoure de Marcescence

in poetry •  7 years ago 


Life in spite of the absurd,
how will I, amongst
human monsters?

Before -

Ebullience wizens, seasons antérieur
blooms fleeting — anthesis.
Winds tear petiole’s scalp nariakira,
anemometer fissures hiemal, only
reckless sanguine ignites dejected quartz -

Frontispiece obscura, to
internal ascetic quintessence -
tibiae encrusted siberian,
entombed Cairo—desert
marigold sub rosā.

Is there respite my ampersand?
To straits lachrymose—painting
sursurrus incisions, &
shedding deciduous, unspoken hope?


After -

The ravenous mirrored vulture
plucks accordion á la the hymn
-my bones shudder too-
sostenuto pleure en hommage
à la mort
while chortling surpentine
‘ this is one of four chapters. ’

Lamellae deliquesce raz,
weaving molotov hellfire,
born cataclysmal, a
regaled speech -

‘ Bliss exists not in tree-lines
of dolor evergreen, toppled
by the sins of the fallen:

Crucify my body, trembling
—gravity serrates cenotaph skin
masochist—intaglio, a
reminder of recurrent torture
& shades of coltish passion-
hematic. ’

Pain’s clepsydra careens, wildly
unbinding gates acerbite—hound
the nobles of astolat castle!
descent into malaise & madness
awakened beside ashen skies.

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Pshhh....Happy New Year :)

thank-you :)