The prompt is mystify or some such thing
A word full of promise and the taking of wing
of caring and growing and things that go
Trust me
Who do I trust?
I focus these days on who not to believe
I avoid calling on doctors
(snake oil salesmen)
where I am but fodder
for their lust
to contaminate us
with terror
Where the only thing I know
is that there will be no measurable growth
by any standard
after receipt of their care
I have learned this the hard way, the only way.
Listen to me.
I am mystified by the treachery and greed
that has obliterated our access to caring
Medical fundamentalism
has usurped our notion of normal:
all bodies now carry disease
all disease is now incurable
and death is to be avoided at all costs
We fear sickness
because it so often leads to an early death!
Our bodies are toxic
our breaths far from sweet
but rather rancid with steroids, antacids, radiation, chemo, antibiotics, vaccines lots of vaccines, pain pills, tummy ache pills, sleeping pills, breathing pills, peeing pills, pooping pills, anesthetics, IV contrast, barium up the wazoo, biologics in pills or infusions or injections, the no feeling pills, the loss of will pills so so so many pills
It hasn’t always been this way.
We once let our babies suckle at our breasts,
nourished by the substance of love,
protected by the substance of love
fists full of nothing but love
They breathed our still sweet breaths,
We breathed their impossible scents and watched with rapture
the beat of creation on the crowns of their heads
We knew they were safer in our arms
than anywhere else in all being
We have been untaught all knowing
This started out as a freewrite for today's freewrite prompt by @mariannewest. The prompt was mystify.
Truth be told, I worked on this for hours.
Thank you for reading. Now go write your own!