
in poetry •  7 years ago 

That was the nature
of the left handed distraction named love
No I didn’t care if lust burned
on the tips of my fingers like a dying cigarette
but I did care if your hands were tracing
the semicircles of some stranger

Strangely near but inaccessible
through the excess of lips
teeth and tongue

And you--
strangely near to palimpsest story at the center
yet inaccessible through the excess of miles
between two lives

once tied shoestring tight
now as different as the dissimilarities
between day and night

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Great work. I like the amount of detail you give while still allowing the reader to see it in their own way. If this is the style you usually write in, you should check out a book titled "The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran. I think you'll dig it. Thanks for sharing this. Take care.

I have read and loved The Prophet. It's such a beautiful piece of work!

I'm happy to hear that. It's my favorite book and work of his even though I'm a fan so I like all his stuff. Take care.

Well composed 👍👍

Love has no boundaries or distance
You're my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace.


this one gives me a nostalgic feeling as it reminds me of one of my poems. the first stanza captivates me more and your use of words is artistic enough to incite a feeling and that is the essence of poetry

Wao me encanto esta estrofa "Y tú ...
extrañamente cerca de la historia del palimpsesto en el centro
pero inaccesible a través del exceso de millas
entre dos vidas". Hay amores cercanos pero a los que no tenemos acceso . Me encanto! felicidades, me has llegado a lo mas profundo con estas palabras tan hermosas!