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My night was so strange,
It feels like I'm so range
When I entered the room
It's just like I'm in a doom,
Waiting for them to zoom.
Eyes of them were so red
When you get near you are shred
I never imagine of a sinuous body
It's just like a curve of a young lady
Whenever you touch you're going crazy.
Creation from the little minds
That composes of many winds
That turn into something
But now you're nothing.
Humble of all the things
Whenever you give orders
It follows and respect others
What a beautiful thing in the world
Thus is the creation of a young generation.
Ambitious as you can see
Just like the roar of the sea
You can never jump,
As long as you have the trump.
Trying to make something's broken
As if there are so many open.
Cultivating new kinds of system
That can improve the flow of the rhythm.
Robotics is the name of the field
Tactics is the answer to yield
That's why if I were you
You have to think like majimboo.
Organize by the skills I've trained
That's why I have to retain
In order to improve and maintain
The act of being a captain.
Nevertheless, I want you to know
All I can do is to show
What kind of magic I can flow
To minimize the problem of this row.
Investigate to make process,
Even if it has plenty of masses,
So that, when time come
You can explode like a bomb.
Courage is the only way
To take your path like a ray
Even if it's cloudy day,
You have to let yourself twirl
To commit the goal of the ocean pearl.
(c) @pinoytravel
I write poems, stories and thoughts in life.